In this video you can see the famous Gnawi, Mustafa Bakbou playing guimbri with the group:
Side 1: Leklam Lemrassa3 (Adorned Talk) - Lighara (The Raid)- Lejwad (The Good People)
Side 2: Al Quds (Jerusalem) - Liyam Tnadi (The Days Are Calling)- Dada Oumie (My Elderly Mother)
Thanks as always to Tim for the translations and to Hammer for the translation to Enlglish. Much appreciated fellas!
Side 1: Leklam Lemrassa3 (Adorned Talk) - Lighara (The Raid)- Lejwad (The Good People)
Side 2: Al Quds (Jerusalem) - Liyam Tnadi (The Days Are Calling)- Dada Oumie (My Elderly Mother)
Thanks as always to Tim for the translations and to Hammer for the translation to Enlglish. Much appreciated fellas!
Hear the cassette HERE.
thank you for this wonderful treasure! is there any chance for re-uploading some music from your older posts? for example your 2008/09/franco-et-orchestre-tp-ok-jazz post. i made a small list of some of the ones with a dead link and would like to sent it to your. time saving;)
Classic stuff!
Side 1: Leklam Lemrassa3 - Lighara - Lejwad
Side 2: Al Quds - Liyam Tnadi - Dada Oumie
Side-A 1.) Adorned Talk. 2.) The Raid. 3.) The Good People.
Side-B: 1.) Jerusalem. 2.) The Days Are Calling. 3.) My Elderly Mother.
Def dig!
Good work my man! I've just stumbled upon your blog today, I feel this may be one i'll be frequenting over the next few months.
I actually have a sourcing query you possibly may be able to help me with. A couple of months ago this video went viral - It's very cute and inoffensive, but what really caught me was the music. It's infectious! I find myself returning to the video a few times a week just for that tribal psychedelic beat.
I've been searching for an artist or track name or ANYTHING but so far have come up with nothing. I'm wondering if you could help this, either if your rather faultless knowledge of world music could sniff out some clues, or if you know someone who could shine a light on this case? All i've got to go on is that I believe it to be Turkish, or at a push maybe Moroccan.
If you find the time to help me i'd be most pleased. I do understand if you're busy, just thought I'd be cheeky and ask. Keep up the good work!
i have this same cassette bought during my days as a peace corps volunteer in morocco. small world!
what a great sight. just wanted you to know for some reason the downloads from the soundcloud site
cut off before they are done. and you have to start again. dont' know if that is happening for anyone else.
but its making me shy from the newer posts like this one
Great thanx...if you want listen more about Jil Jilala please visit my blog dedicated to arab music :
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