Here's another incredible album of chimerical, twilight sounds from our chemical friends from Tampere, Finland: Kemialliset Ystävät. This one was released way back in 2001 on the French label, Alice in Wonder records, and this is certainly a record that leaves the listener in a state of wonderment. Difficult and nonsensical on initial listens, perseverence pays dividends as their communal abstractions break out into soundworld of exquisite beauty and bottomless melancholy.
Here's a suitably wobbly video for Nykyajan Tanssi:
01 Puretaan Teltat
02 Hurja Taivas
03 Kuin Kaste Aamun
04 Sinistä Hohtaa Kangastus
05 Nykyajan Tanssi
06 Tallattujen Kielojen Surumarssi
07 Vuorille
08 Sytyttäkää Suitsukkeet
09 Pieni Palatsi
10 Heikoimmista Tähdistä
11 Urasorsalle
12 Sateen Varjo
13 Lammikko
14 Katkennut Rauhanpiippu
Get it HERE.